The Hamster Wheel of Trauma
We're meant to feel like we can’t handle horrible news or effect change. We focus on our self(ish)-care and we invest more in "wellness." We don’t truly heal because these systems rely on the energy we generate from endlessly running on our hamster wheels of trauma.
Voices on the Side: Love, Light, & Liberation
A literary addendum to the Voices on the Side podcast. Notes on my conversation with Ruby Sheng Nichols.
Body Dysmorphia and Pregnancy
What happens when someone with body dysmorphia gets pregnant? First time around when I had my son, the voice of my disorder overtook any wisdom and compassion. This time around being pregnant with my daughter, I resolve to be stronger.
A Mother's Love
I spent most of my life thinking I was fine - independent, strong, so accepting of my mom's "condition." When I became a mother and realized that I had never had and would never have a mother I could rely on, it broke me. Pain must be seen and held - with love. Then, space is created for healing.
Letting Go of Who You Used to Be
This is a reflection of the painful transition period of becoming a mother. I spent years feeling like I was neither here nor there, one foot in/one foot out, which is an impossible way to move through life. As I started to accept myself, I realized there was a lot of joy to uncover.