The Children Are Always Ours
As a mother, I stand with ALL children. There is literally no justification for even one child to have to suffer, live in fear, or die in violence.
"The Most Precious Time"
Postpartum depression robbed me of my ability to feel joy when I had my first baby. While pregnant with my second, I knew I could not control how I would feel. Would it feel like "the most precious time"? All I could do was lean into support and trust that the joy would come in its own way and time.
A Mother's Love
I spent most of my life thinking I was fine - independent, strong, so accepting of my mom's "condition." When I became a mother and realized that I had never had and would never have a mother I could rely on, it broke me. Pain must be seen and held - with love. Then, space is created for healing.
Letting Go of Who You Used to Be
This is a reflection of the painful transition period of becoming a mother. I spent years feeling like I was neither here nor there, one foot in/one foot out, which is an impossible way to move through life. As I started to accept myself, I realized there was a lot of joy to uncover.
Telling Her Story: Winnie, Mom to Kobi (almost 8) and Myla (5.5)
Winnie's warrior spirit persists as she navigates the highs and inevitable lows of parenting. Having a neurodivergent child, she especially recognizes how essential it is that she take care of herself and lean on her support system.