On Decentering Whiteness
For me, yoga/self-care, motherhood, and dismantling oppression are inextricably connected. A decentering of the self as well as a decentering of whiteness is crucial for collective liberation. Here, some thoughts and resources.
On Silence
Of course peace, love, and light are the goal. But you cannot bypass your way there. The process will demand your discomfort, accountability, and humility. But the reward is truth. And the truth will liberate us all.
Voices on the Side: Love, Light, & Liberation
A literary addendum to the Voices on the Side podcast. Notes on my conversation with Ruby Sheng Nichols.
The Children Are Always Ours
As a mother, I stand with ALL children. There is literally no justification for even one child to have to suffer, live in fear, or die in violence.
Telling Her Story: Ruby, Mom to Dashiell (8) and Romare (3)
Spending time with Ruby reminds you that there is magic everywhere. Postpartum depression pulled her to rock bottom where she excavated joy and rediscovered her connection to her true self. Her heartfelt candor is liberating, reassuring, and she'll connect you to your angels to boot.