# body wisdom

A collection of 6 posts

Body Dysmorphia and Pregnancy

What happens when someone with body dysmorphia gets pregnant? First time around when I had my son, the voice of my disorder overtook any wisdom and compassion. This time around being pregnant with my daughter, I resolve to be stronger.

# postpartum
13 min read

Telling Her Story: Sarah, Mom to Jonah (almost 3) and Jacob (5 months)

Sarah's unapologetic honesty is empowering and healing, not only for herself but for anyone wanting to learn to truly love themselves as they are. She is infectiously funny, lovable, and I love knowing that she is in the world raising her two little boys.

# motherhood
5 min read

Telling Her Story: Sara, Mom to Sofia (3)

I learn so much from other mothers and I want to honor their stories. This is the inaugural piece of my Telling Her Story series. Meet Sara. She lost her mother within weeks of welcoming her daughter. Her story of grief, acceptance, and unconditional love will inspire you.

# motherhood
6 min read

The Body Remembers

There is a shedding of your old self that necessarily happens when you go through an enormous life change such as becoming a mother. Some of the old layers are gone for good. Others call you back in due time. For me, my yoga practice is calling me home.

# mental health
12 min read

Do Not Google

I made the mistake of Googling every little thing during my first pregnancy. It never left me feeling better and it often gave me misinformation. I got caught in the urge to go down the Google rabbit hole again with my second pregnancy. The moral of the story is: Don't do it!

# motherhood
4 min read
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