# generational trauma

A collection of 5 posts

On Decentering Whiteness

For me, yoga/self-care, motherhood, and dismantling oppression are inextricably connected. A decentering of the self as well as a decentering of whiteness is crucial for collective liberation. Here, some thoughts and resources.

# collective liberation
7 min read

The Hamster Wheel of Trauma

We're meant to feel like we can’t handle horrible news or effect change. We focus on our self(ish)-care and we invest more in "wellness." We don’t truly heal because these systems rely on the energy we generate from endlessly running on our hamster wheels of trauma.

# collective liberation
10 min read

A Mother's Love

I spent most of my life thinking I was fine - independent, strong, so accepting of my mom's "condition." When I became a mother and realized that I had never had and would never have a mother I could rely on, it broke me. Pain must be seen and held - with love. Then, space is created for healing.

# postpartum
7 min read

Everything Does Not Happen For A Reason

The words we say to ourselves and to each other are so important. As we all become more informed about mental illness, we can all learn to be a source of validation and comfort. It starts simply with listening and discarding harmful platitudes.

# mental health
7 min read

How Parenting Heals

When I first became a mother I would never have believed what I do now, that parenting can potentially be a portal of healing. As I mother in ways that I was not mothered, I get to rewrite the script. While this doesn't erase the past, it brings opportunity for peace to sit alongside the sadness.

# mental health
9 min read
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