# children

A collection of 15 posts

On Decentering Whiteness

For me, yoga/self-care, motherhood, and dismantling oppression are inextricably connected. A decentering of the self as well as a decentering of whiteness is crucial for collective liberation. Here, some thoughts and resources.

# collective liberation
7 min read

On Silence

Of course peace, love, and light are the goal. But you cannot bypass your way there. The process will demand your discomfort, accountability, and humility. But the reward is truth. And the truth will liberate us all.

# collective liberation
7 min read

The Hamster Wheel of Trauma

We're meant to feel like we can’t handle horrible news or effect change. We focus on our self(ish)-care and we invest more in "wellness." We don’t truly heal because these systems rely on the energy we generate from endlessly running on our hamster wheels of trauma.

# collective liberation
10 min read

The Children Are Always Ours

As a mother, I stand with ALL children. There is literally no justification for even one child to have to suffer, live in fear, or die in violence.

# collective liberation
5 min read

Telling Her Story: Sue, Mother and Grandmother

Sue's story moves through four generations from her own mother through to her granddaughters. She emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, community, and learning from children. Her story will leave you wanting to live forward full of hope.

# motherhood
5 min read
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