# mental illness

mental illness. mental health challenges.

On Decentering Whiteness

For me, yoga/self-care, motherhood, and dismantling oppression are inextricably connected. A decentering of the self as well as a decentering of whiteness is crucial for collective liberation. Here, some thoughts and resources.

# collective liberation
7 min read

Telling Her Story: Sue, Mother and Grandmother

Sue's story moves through four generations from her own mother through to her granddaughters. She emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, community, and learning from children. Her story will leave you wanting to live forward full of hope.

# motherhood
5 min read

A Mother's Love

I spent most of my life thinking I was fine - independent, strong, so accepting of my mom's "condition." When I became a mother and realized that I had never had and would never have a mother I could rely on, it broke me. Pain must be seen and held - with love. Then, space is created for healing.

# postpartum
7 min read

Everything Does Not Happen For A Reason

The words we say to ourselves and to each other are so important. As we all become more informed about mental illness, we can all learn to be a source of validation and comfort. It starts simply with listening and discarding harmful platitudes.

# mental health
7 min read

Oh, that Newborn Smell!

I'm pregnant with my second but I'm not a "baby person." I've never really liked the newborn baby smell that most people seem to find so delicious. For me, this smell is tied to postpartum depression, which I know I could experience again.

# postpartum
5 min read
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